As of 1 February 2024, both Google and Yahoo have implemented stricter rules for sending emails (for both bulk email senders and all emails). Which means that there is increased risk of:
Your emails and/or bulk marketing emails being either blocked from being delivered or sent to spam folders in Gmail and Yahoo mail
Not receiving some emails you might actually want
The objective is to reduce the amount of unwanted spam emails getting in to people's email inboxes, a worthy goal!
What are the new requirements?
There are 3 primary requirements for email senders:
Set up email authentication for your domain. This is a technical requirement and is something that your email provider can implement for you. Find out more
Make sure that your email marketing contacts can unsubscribe with one-click from your marketing emails. All marketing software providers include this as a mandatory requirement in sending bulk emails.
Make sure your contacts want to receive your emails. If you are a contact in their address list or they have sent you an email at any time, then it's more likely your emails won't go to spam. Marketing emails should go to customers & subscribers. Google and Yahoo will have a spam rate threshold you have to stay under in order to deliver your emails.
Check with your email provider that your email domain meets the new technical requirements for sending emails to avoid being blocked or sent to spam
If you send bulk emails from an email marketing software provider (like Mailchimp, Hubspot, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor etc) check if you need to change any settings or authenticate your email domain.
If you have a Tomahawk website you can check if valid website contact form emails are not getting through to your inbox by reviewing your Contact Form records as follows:
Netzone CMS:
In the Netzone CMS, click on Forms > Contact Forms > Entries > click on the name to read full email.
If all of the emails in the Entries list are also landing in your inbox then you are OK, if not, you should contact your email provider.
Orchard CMS:
In the Orchard CMS, click on Contact Form Submissions to view all entries.
If all of the emails in the list are also landing in your inbox then you are OK, if not, you should contact your email provider.
While Tomahawk is not an email service provider, we trust that by sharing this information, you are now aware of the changes and can contact your email provider directly for assistance.